Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Update: Early intel came from Gitmo detainees, Update: Details of assault;
...and he said America had "paper tigers". Thank you US warriors.
Via HA: Update: Killed “deep inside Pakistan” today in a firefight; Update: Found in Abbottabad; Update: Linked to Umar Patek? Update: Details of assault; Update: Early intel came from Gitmo detainees
usama killed
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
An Espresso Kit...
An espresso brew kit sent to our friend "Soldier Alex" stationed in A-stan. It's always nice to send our guys roasted beans & caffeine...
cafe cubano,
cafe espresso,
care packages,
support our troops
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Thoughts on Luke’s Gospel, When Mary and Joseph lose track of Jesus...
When Lost, Head to the Life Guard Station…Church!
By My Wife and Me
Do you believe this story? If so, why? Yes, we believe this story, in the sense that we believe the author of the story and his purposes behind the story. The actual facts of the story may have slightly varied or been heightened to some extent over years of interpretation, but we believe in the truths in which the story conveys. The reason we believe the truths of this story is because of the true-to-life sequence the story takes on. How many of us have experienced God’s powerful hand of “coincidence”, or even the simple act of being lost from our parents or losing track of one of our own children? The symbolism in this story is the real aspect we’re being asked to believe in. The symbolism of being without Christ or lost from Him, then slowly realizing that the way to connect with Christ is at his Father’s Church with His teachings. What’s not to believe? We live with this symbolism… daily!
What is the easiest part of the story to believe? What was the hardest?
The easiest part of the story to believe was that Jesus’ parents lost him. There were times as a child when we’ve all been lost at some store or another. Of course our parents would keep an eye on us, but with all of the product isles and commotion, we’d run off. Undoubtedly we were usually discovered at the ever-popular toy aisle. What about the beach? Haven’t we all experienced being carried a little too far by the waves? We all knew where to go when lost in that scenario…the life guard station! The only difference between real life and Luke’s story is that the life guard station is the church of our beloved God! The hardest part of the story to believe is the actual facts. How old Jesus actually was, the irony of Simeon meeting Jesus at that time, etc. However, in a story such as this, the facts are irrelevant. The meaning and purpose behind the story is what we’re asked to believe. Much of our faith, and even faith in that time, revolved around mysteries that we aren’t intended to question but rather trust in without visibility… through faith!
What is your understanding of this Gospel?
Our understanding of this good message relates to our relationship with Jesus through God’s Church. We thought back to our college days when we were away from our parents’ teachings of Christianity. The state college we went to was secular and taught secular values (moral relativism). We always thought that their causes were well intentioned, but the affects of their ideas did not sit well with our strongly-rooted religious upbringings (i.e. the indifference of traditional marriage, no difference between a mom and a dad; same.) Regardless of good intentions, we always knew that there was something missing in our college education; wisdom. So when we sought out to re-discover the Biblical meaning and reason offered in Mass, we were able to quickly experience them through the Catholic Church. The Catholic ideas and values taught at church helped us re-connect, because we found them very applicable to our daily lives. It is interesting that “religion” in Latin means “to re-connect with” and just as in this passage, Mary and Joseph lose their Son, seek to find Him in the faces of those in their caravan, only to re-discover Him in the only true place He can always be found… in God’s Church.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A small, but mighty espresso machine
Hi there...Here is a small, but mighty espresso machine that's being custom built at our service shop. It's an "ol' skooler" and being that it's on a compact frame... It travels easier! Take a look at the espresso we pulled this morning. Crema...
cafe espresso,
vintage espresso
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Dose of Reality: "What?! You turned the other cheek and he hit you again!?" she shouted
"Turn the other cheek..."
(Hmm...I wonder if "Ralphie's" walks to school would have gotten better if he'd never decided to stand up to the bully in "A Christmas Story".)
This is a no-brainer, but sometimes people say the above comment without real direction; like they're spreading great advice. When I was in 3rd grade I remember we had a normal class of kids and a few that were rough. I recall it like it was yesterday. My 3rd grade teacher told us about turning the other cheek like Jesus did. Then she said, "If someone hits you, instead of fighting back turn the other cheek." Long story short, recess started and the geeky kid gets hit by the bully and what does he do? He readily says, "Hey, I turn the other cheek." He said it with such nobility and then GOT PUNCHED AGAIN! Recess ended and class came back into attendance. The kid that got smacked told the teacher he got hit. He said, "I turned the other cheek and he hit me again." (Right where he left himself open...)
"What?! You turned the other cheek and he hit you again!?" she shouted.
"Yes, that's what happened...he hit me again."
At this point I thought, ya know, physically turning the other cheek might not be what was meant for everything. At the same time, I could not stop thinking how both of them were surprised like it was something so unpredictable, "Wow, where did that come from?!" Now as I find myself a parent I re-read that portion in the Bible and got further explanation of this scripture. A person who is slapping someone on the right cheek would be using the back of his own right hand. The thuggish person described here is insulting someone (a.k.a. back-handed offense).
So what's my point? Like in the past, we have a problem with bullies (we've seen the crazy videos of teens beating someone on a bus, such as the graphic one seen here.) As we all know, Christ came to offer salvation and compassion, but by-standing, pacifying...I just don't see that wisdom from our values. It is why it's good that we teach our kids self defense when a bully isn't interested in "talking it out." But then again, when are they?
Here is a take from A Faith-Based Response to Adolescent Bullying:
[Still more Christian parents, quoting Jesus, tell their children to “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39) when bullied. What’s remarkable is that when Jesus was slapped on the face by the guard of the High Priest, He did not turn his face so the guard could slap him again. Instead Jesus responded, "If I said something wrong, testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?" (John 18:19-23) Jesus not only defended himself with words, He confronted the bully and demanded an answer for his unjust treatment.]
Let's not forget when Christ went to his Father's temple & saw it converted to a temple-o-swap meet. He got pretty heated he threw over tables and cleared out the place (Mark 11:15). Christ taught compassion, but compassion also compels moral order. (First aiding the kid that is being kicked on the floor. Not initially asking the kicker if there is something wrong with his "self-esteem.")
I am not trying to say that we should start kickin' tail when people cut us off on the road or flip us the bird. However, it's important to have the common sense to know when you need to defend yourself. For example, if you're getting pummeled in the head, defend yourself for crying out load. Likewise we should not allow others to be humiliated or slammed to the ground. (Not my problem, not my cheek.) There has been so much talk about "love, love, love" that I think we forget the courageous faith of action. It's what helps stop terrible instances from continuing. As a young kid, I was happy to see "Ralphie" stand up for himself and glad when my Father taught me martial arts. It was a real lesson…
(Hmm...I wonder if "Ralphie's" walks to school would have gotten better if he'd never decided to stand up to the bully in "A Christmas Story".)
This is a no-brainer, but sometimes people say the above comment without real direction; like they're spreading great advice. When I was in 3rd grade I remember we had a normal class of kids and a few that were rough. I recall it like it was yesterday. My 3rd grade teacher told us about turning the other cheek like Jesus did. Then she said, "If someone hits you, instead of fighting back turn the other cheek." Long story short, recess started and the geeky kid gets hit by the bully and what does he do? He readily says, "Hey, I turn the other cheek." He said it with such nobility and then GOT PUNCHED AGAIN! Recess ended and class came back into attendance. The kid that got smacked told the teacher he got hit. He said, "I turned the other cheek and he hit me again." (Right where he left himself open...)
"What?! You turned the other cheek and he hit you again!?" she shouted.
"Yes, that's what happened...he hit me again."
At this point I thought, ya know, physically turning the other cheek might not be what was meant for everything. At the same time, I could not stop thinking how both of them were surprised like it was something so unpredictable, "Wow, where did that come from?!" Now as I find myself a parent I re-read that portion in the Bible and got further explanation of this scripture. A person who is slapping someone on the right cheek would be using the back of his own right hand. The thuggish person described here is insulting someone (a.k.a. back-handed offense).
So what's my point? Like in the past, we have a problem with bullies (we've seen the crazy videos of teens beating someone on a bus, such as the graphic one seen here.) As we all know, Christ came to offer salvation and compassion, but by-standing, pacifying...I just don't see that wisdom from our values. It is why it's good that we teach our kids self defense when a bully isn't interested in "talking it out." But then again, when are they?
Here is a take from A Faith-Based Response to Adolescent Bullying:
[Still more Christian parents, quoting Jesus, tell their children to “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39) when bullied. What’s remarkable is that when Jesus was slapped on the face by the guard of the High Priest, He did not turn his face so the guard could slap him again. Instead Jesus responded, "If I said something wrong, testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?" (John 18:19-23) Jesus not only defended himself with words, He confronted the bully and demanded an answer for his unjust treatment.]
Let's not forget when Christ went to his Father's temple & saw it converted to a temple-o-swap meet. He got pretty heated he threw over tables and cleared out the place (Mark 11:15). Christ taught compassion, but compassion also compels moral order. (First aiding the kid that is being kicked on the floor. Not initially asking the kicker if there is something wrong with his "self-esteem.")
I am not trying to say that we should start kickin' tail when people cut us off on the road or flip us the bird. However, it's important to have the common sense to know when you need to defend yourself. For example, if you're getting pummeled in the head, defend yourself for crying out load. Likewise we should not allow others to be humiliated or slammed to the ground. (Not my problem, not my cheek.) There has been so much talk about "love, love, love" that I think we forget the courageous faith of action. It's what helps stop terrible instances from continuing. As a young kid, I was happy to see "Ralphie" stand up for himself and glad when my Father taught me martial arts. It was a real lesson…
Saturday, January 29, 2011
“How can you be Mexican and republican!? Is the first thing that comes up...I swear."
Buenos Días Amigos! Hope you've had your cup of Joe and spending time with the familia. So lately, my cousin Ari sent me text messages about her college experience. She just started college and is lovin' it. Being that she's in college, she's going through what we all have gone through. You know the judgment of being shocked or sneered at, simply because we admire the traditional values we were raised with by our parents. Mexican immigrant values and yes...conservative values at that. So, I provided responses to help her respond with reason. You know, it kinda helped me explain my reasoning as well! So, I thought I'd would pass it on to you. In case you ever wondered about us...besides our indulgence in coffee and not being Cubano. ;)
My text: So how’s ur major going? So have you figured u’re unique with ur college buds? What do they say when they realize u’re conservative?
Cuz's text: The first thing that comes up is ALWAYS about me being Mexican. I swear...It's like I have 2 prove 2 every1 else how "brown" I am...haha. I know I am "brown" already, but it's like being conservative makes us less "brown"? It's like wowwww...
Here are some responses to questions that come up:
“How can you be Mexican and republican!?”Like most Mexican Americans I was raised by immigrants and taught their values…Old School values. A "do -it-yourself" attitude for work, faith and charity; SELF GOV'T.
“Conservatives are anti- immigrant.”
I am not sure about that because my family runs a business, hires immigrants willing to work, and informs them about cultural movements (countering their traditional values). How is that “anti-immigrant”? We are for the immigrant individual and we are not an exception.
“They don't want to let us in.”Most Americans are pro documented immigration. How is that not wanting newcomers? Look, Mexico has reasons to secure their boarders and I never hear complaints about them. Don’t Americans have a reason to know who is entering our country? Like everyone else I want our immigration improved.
I do know that open boarder activist fight for Mexican immigrants to enter, but then fight their faith based values once they arrive. How is that sticking up for the families of "la raza”?
"Republicans are not for opportunity and the poor man."I just can't relate to that since our family business is able to invest, expand and hire more workers when there are lower tax rates. Should a worker feel more secure to ask for a raise when the boss is paying more in taxes? There are a lot of people (immigrant and non-immigrant) that want to launch their own business. How does higher taxes and regulations encourage growth and an increase of jobs? Look at all the jobs that have left Cali to business-friendly states. I mean, Facebook just opened two new facilities outside of Cali; where it's easier to grow a business and JOBS.
A while back a relative commented to me lightly that she could not stand it when someone calls her a “republican”. Now she has every right to be what she chooses, but it goes to show that when American Latinos express their values, those conservative points are quickly recognized by our Leftist friends. This is why ethnic music and art are always talked about, but cultural values…Our Christian faith...not so much.
Like most newcomers, My Abuelito and all my family worked selflessly and took pride in providing. He worked at a tortilla factory & worked non-stop for decades. He leaned on God to amplify his ethos and relied on himself and my Abuelita to elevate their children. He did not rely on "affirmative action" or “social justice” (gov’t redistribution of the same pay with your neighbor's money). Simply JUSTICE under GOD, E Pluribus Unum (from mutli-ethnicities, yet one people), & liberty ... THE AMERICAN WAY.
We hope this explains our family’s reasoning, why we relate more with ideas of self gov't , and it goes without saying that we respect our friends that have different ideas. Hey, speaking of friends, summer is coming up and if your are by our house, come over and we'll crack you open a big-o-Tecate... con límon!
[Post edited by Sandra]
[Post edited by Mike]
My text: So how’s ur major going? So have you figured u’re unique with ur college buds? What do they say when they realize u’re conservative?
Cuz's text: The first thing that comes up is ALWAYS about me being Mexican. I swear...It's like I have 2 prove 2 every1 else how "brown" I am...haha. I know I am "brown" already, but it's like being conservative makes us less "brown"? It's like wowwww...
Here are some responses to questions that come up:
“How can you be Mexican and republican!?”Like most Mexican Americans I was raised by immigrants and taught their values…Old School values. A "do -it-yourself" attitude for work, faith and charity; SELF GOV'T.
“Conservatives are anti- immigrant.”
I am not sure about that because my family runs a business, hires immigrants willing to work, and informs them about cultural movements (countering their traditional values). How is that “anti-immigrant”? We are for the immigrant individual and we are not an exception.
“They don't want to let us in.”Most Americans are pro documented immigration. How is that not wanting newcomers? Look, Mexico has reasons to secure their boarders and I never hear complaints about them. Don’t Americans have a reason to know who is entering our country? Like everyone else I want our immigration improved.
I do know that open boarder activist fight for Mexican immigrants to enter, but then fight their faith based values once they arrive. How is that sticking up for the families of "la raza”?
"Republicans are not for opportunity and the poor man."I just can't relate to that since our family business is able to invest, expand and hire more workers when there are lower tax rates. Should a worker feel more secure to ask for a raise when the boss is paying more in taxes? There are a lot of people (immigrant and non-immigrant) that want to launch their own business. How does higher taxes and regulations encourage growth and an increase of jobs? Look at all the jobs that have left Cali to business-friendly states. I mean, Facebook just opened two new facilities outside of Cali; where it's easier to grow a business and JOBS.
A while back a relative commented to me lightly that she could not stand it when someone calls her a “republican”. Now she has every right to be what she chooses, but it goes to show that when American Latinos express their values, those conservative points are quickly recognized by our Leftist friends. This is why ethnic music and art are always talked about, but cultural values…Our Christian faith...not so much.
Like most newcomers, My Abuelito and all my family worked selflessly and took pride in providing. He worked at a tortilla factory & worked non-stop for decades. He leaned on God to amplify his ethos and relied on himself and my Abuelita to elevate their children. He did not rely on "affirmative action" or “social justice” (gov’t redistribution of the same pay with your neighbor's money). Simply JUSTICE under GOD, E Pluribus Unum (from mutli-ethnicities, yet one people), & liberty ... THE AMERICAN WAY.
We hope this explains our family’s reasoning, why we relate more with ideas of self gov't , and it goes without saying that we respect our friends that have different ideas. Hey, speaking of friends, summer is coming up and if your are by our house, come over and we'll crack you open a big-o-Tecate... con límon!
[Post edited by Sandra]
[Post edited by Mike]
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
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